Advertising Opportunities


Introductory rates are as follows:

  • Single issue placements
    • Full Page: $1,200
    • Half Page: $700
    • Quarter Page: $400
  • Multi-placements (3 issues)
    • Full Page: $3,000
    • Half Page: $1,800
    • Quarter Page: $1,000

Contact the WIFS National Office to inquire about availability and reserve your space.

Branded Webinar Series

Get your business in front of our members by sponsoring a series of webinars on a broad subject area such as management, marketing, leadership, sales or technology. Your company name will be featured on all webinar marketing, opening and closing slides and your archived webinars on our website. Single webinar sponsorships are also available.

Contact the WIFS National Office to inquire about webinar sponsorship.